Friday, July 28, 2006

Architects are good

Well God didn't answer my prayer regarding an all male modeling agency moving in next door. He didn't let me down completely though, it's being overtaken by an architectural firm.

There's one thing I've decided since moving to Atlanta: I like architects.

They're hot, brainy, and artistic all wrapped up in a "I just want to put you in my pocket and take you with me" package. Yes, architects are good. I learned this when we had the fire alarm go off a couple of months ago and two floors of architects spilled into our parking lot. I was hung over and sans makeup.

I grabbed my lesbian coworker who couldn't keep from eyeing them herself. "Where did all these hot guys come from?!" I hissed.

"They're from the architectural firm in our building," she explained. "Did you see the one with the beard?"

"Ooh, good call. But I get dibs because you're a lesbian."

She shrugged her shoulders.

"Why didn't I wear makeup today?!"

"Because you didn't know the building was going to catch on fire."

Just then the fire truck pulled in our parking lot. We took a few steps back. I eyed the firemen, but was disappointed. I turned back to the architects.

"Quick, push me into that one!" I hissed again.


"So I'll have an excuse to talk to him. Make it look like an accident!"

She just laughed, not realizing I was dead serious.

So yes, architects are good. Besides, I would have eventually run out of "but he can't turn left!" jokes.


citizen student said...

i posted. hope your happy :|


architects huh? not all of them are hot... but god willing they put some hot ones in there just for you... okay? silly...

... said...

Throw YOURSELF into one of them, and look at her as if she did'll be great.

At least when you need a little eye candy you know what alarm to pull :-)

Eric said...

Have you seen the TV show "How I Met Your Mother?". The main character (well, it's really an ensemble) is an architect...although you never see him working.

Yeah, it can get a bit sappy and introspective, but it's a pretty good show. No "Friends" in its prime, but a good ensemble comedy.


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