Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Hell factor for the following content: large

I've been staring at pictures like this all week and I have to admit it's kinda freaking me out:

I'm not saying that the disabled can't have slap-happy jackass grins, but this is a bit much. I'm also willing to bet that his guy isn't even handicapped, he willingly strapped himself in to that contraption. I see pictures like this and I wonder if he volunteered to demonstrate the product. Was there a meeting? Was voting involved? Were they like, "Well it's a 5:4 vote, Bob is going to be in our brochures." Were people disappointed? When Bob got dressed that morning, did he pick out that outfit to sit in the wheelchair?

Thoughts that run through my head.

I was going to make fun of him a little, but I'm too afraid after the last time I made fun of someone in a wheelchair.


Eric said...

That has to make for a great business card:

Bob Smith
Wheelchair Model
Rolling Courage, Inc.

... said...

You know I always laugh at the wheelchair-bound....but only if they get caught or fall out.

Jamie said...

That's what happened to me last time! The wheelchair got stuck in a broken up sidewalk and I laughed and immediately 14 bad things happened to me!


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