Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Adventures in Babysitting

Believe it or not, before today I have never held a baby before. Moreover, I have 6 nieces and nephews. My sister Jennifer, who gave birth in June, asked me to babysit for her this morning for three hours. Before leaving the house this morning, my step-mother asked if I have ever changed a diaper before. "No. but I can't imagine it to be very hard," I replied.

I get to Jennifer's house and she leaves me with his schedule and dashes out the door. I am left in charge of a three-month-old. I'm not even sure I trust myself. Actually, I don't. I had a dream a year ago that I had to babysit my sister-in-law Angela's baby. In the process I accidentally kill the baby- either I dropped it or I suffocated it. Mortified, I stuck the dead baby under the dash of my truck. Angela was understandably devastated. When I woke up, I feel absolutely awful and have been terrified of babies since.

I pick up baby Graham. Fortunately for me, people say he is a very easy baby, meaning he never fusses or cries. I feed him the rest of his bottle, also a first for me. I try and burp him and instead he hiccups. Omigod, I broke the baby.

He smiles at me. I begin to think I'm doing a good job and then I smell the unmistakable odor: canned dog food. I place him on the changing table and open his diaper: it looks like his butt exploded. I turn around a dry-heave into the Diaper Genie. I'm glad he can't comprehend what I'm saying as I'm trying to clean him up and making an even bigger mess in the process. The hardest part was keeping a hand on him while I turned around to dry-heave. It can't be like this when it's your own baby, right? RIGHT?

Overall, I think it was a successful day. No bruises or broken bones and the baby was okay too. I made his laugh a few times that didn't result in a diaper change. I also saw a glimpse into my own future. Being at home alone with a baby- it was a very lonely feeling. Devastatingly lonely. You're with a person that can't comprehend you and he's your life- I didn't like that at all. Like I'm hoping, maybe it's different when it's your baby...


Jeff said...

You'll do just fine when you have your own baby! I have no doubt! Changing diapers is never a fun experience! Glad to hear that it went well and you neither injured or killed your niece! That's a step in the right direction after your dream!

Paige said...

dry heaving into the diaper genie! Priceless!

I hope it isn't like that with your own baby either, 'cause that would be awful!

Ryon said...

You won't be completely alone when you have a baby. Just because your husband is at work, does not mean you are utterly alone. Why not think of it as having the most special and best friend anyone could have and you made it?

My wife and I are planning on splitting the staying at home time if at all possible. I would love to take care of our baby on a daily basis.

Paige said...

Okay, I have a request; could you tell us about the title of your blog? I'd really love to know what a mokey is!

Jeff said...

I totally agree w/ Paige!!! Inquiring minds want to know!


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