Monday, September 26, 2005


I really think my favorite books are the Bridget Jones' books by Helen Fielding. I've read each book at least five times and I never tire of them. If I had it my way, there would be a Bridget Jones TV series because I think her character could support a commitment more involved than a 2 hour film. (Don't ask me about the Bridget Jones sequel film- it was barely even based on the book and just recycled the jokes from the first movie- I'm very disappointed with it.)

The problem is every time I read these books, my writing style, and even my thinking, reverts to hers. After reading my last couple of posts, I realized that I have done it again.

Oh well, better luck next time! v.g.


Paige said...

I do that all the time. I either come off sounding like my high school english teacher (who does write books, btw) or Chuck Palanuik.

Ryon said...

Who is V.G.? Not me, right?

Jamie said...

Ha ha! (v.g.) is Bridget Jones lingo for "very good." Only people who've read the books would get it.


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