Wednesday, June 22, 2005

It's not an emergency, but this is important

I'm upset, but I'm going to tell this the best way I can:

My sister went into labor at 4:00PM today. I was really excited because it's her first baby. I called at 5:30PM to get a status check, and my step-mother was driving her to the hospital. This is really it! Our family is a pro at babies and grandbabies by now, 2 of my other brothers have 5 children between them. It's nothing new, but this time it's special because it's my step-mother's only daughter giving birth to her first baby. All the other times, we were the in-laws.

At 7:30PM, my father called. I knew by the tone of his voice something was wrong. My step-mother's father just passed away. He was living with my dad and step-mom. One of my brothers found him and tried to give him CPR but it was too late. To make it even worse, my step-grandfather's sister drove up from Florida for a visit. She arrived 15 minutes after he passed away.

So my brother Drake had to call my step-mom. She had to leave her daughter at the hospital, giving birth, to come home and deal with her father's death. I don't know if Jennifer, my sister, knows about her grandfather or not. I hope she doesn't know right now because she doesn't need to be upset while trying to give birth. She needs to focus on the task at hand. But I bet my step-mom had a hell of a time explaining while she had to leave the hospital during Jennifer's labor without being honest. I know I would be pissed if my mom tried to leave me without giving me a reason. Even at that, I think any reason, short of death, would not be good enough.

So it's an all-around crapfest.

He was my step-grandfather but I had seen him weekly when he moved in with my dad and step-mom last year. It was during this time, 15 years after I first met him, that I got to know him. He was very nice although I remember being frightened of him when I was little. He loved my dog. He was an old man but he would offer to dog-sit for my dog even when my dad and step-mom weren't there. He would tell me stories of him serving the army in Greenland or Iceland and every man in the army were issued a Malamute and he would say how my dog reminded him of those days. I liked those stories.

I'm glad I got to know him. I never really got to know my step-mom's mom before she passed away. Although the death saddens me, I am far more worried about my sister and the baby at the moment. My father is telling me not to call, there is already too much chaos going on at the house, but he would call me and keep me informed of any new developments.

I feel completely useless right now. I think I'm going to go get drunk.

Jennifer had the baby at 4:30AM. I asked my father if everything turned out ok and if the baby's healthy but he didn't know, so I'm going to assume no news is good news.


Paige said... long as you are doing it at home, it sounds like a great suggestion to me. Go crazy.

Ryon said...

More one for me and one for my hommies. Thanks.

I am sure everything will go fine with your sister.

It is crazy that the cliche happened though. One life is taken when one life is born...

Simply amazing life is...

Oh, I will never give up the song repository...I may just have to tweak it some.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your loss, and happy to hear about the gain to your family.

When I was deployed to Cuba I was told about it 2 weeks before I left, which consiquently was during Christmas time. That friday I was told I was leaving and that Sunday I was told my grandmother had another heart attack and most likely wouldn't make it. She died a few days later on christmas eve. I managed to break away from my preperations to make it there for her funeral which was bitter-sweet.

It's always hard to see people die, especially people we love. I don't know why I told that story other than a death occured in the midst of another event. lol

Jamie said...

Yeah, I know the whole circle of life thing, but that's not supposed to happen at the same time! There is supposed to months or years difference.

Jamie said...

Thank you everyone for being sympathetic! I was going crazy last night alone in my apartment, until I drank half a liter of wine!

Jenn- it looks like I am taking tomorrow off. But, unfortuantely, it won't be to hang with you. When I know the timing of everything, I'll let you know.

Randi@SowderingAbout said...

i came across your blog and wanted to send my vegasgustan said, one life is usually taken for is unfortunate that you have to celebrate a birth and a death/life together.


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