So you're not here, and that's okay. My blog that was once so manicured and loved is now ingrown. Not sure of that analogy, but I'm going with it.
I met a girl this year and she kept inserting the fact she had a blog into her conversation. She would talk about her commentors as if they were real people in the room with us. I rolled my eyes and inwardly sighed that that was so 2005. And then I thought how this girl must have nothing going on in her life to be so enraptured with her blog and her readers. I felt sorry for her at her obvious ploy to recruit new followers.
Then I felt even lamer when I realized that was me once upon a time.
I'm not sure if I have any more of a life now than back when I was Jamiewhohasablog. Actually, I'm not sure what's changed, if anything.
But I'm okay with no readers and no commentors. Writing in this space feels like I'm talking to myself, but with a comforting echo. It feels just familiar enough to be safe.
So hi, you're not here. I'm basking in the comfort of myself, and that's okay.
But we're only not here because you were not here. Now that you're back, we'll come back!
It's so cool to see you writing again, I hope all is well.
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