Thursday, August 24, 2006

Back in the closet

So I found this shirt in the mall about a month ago and I had to have it.

I wanted it for the irony. I've had my blog for over three years. Although it's now drastically modified, this is my original template before CSS was even an itch a geek's untouched loins. I love my blog and the creative outlet it allows me.

I've worn the shirt out around town a few times: one happy hour and two concerts. Every time I wear it, I get the same reaction:

"I love your shirt."

This was my initial reaction:

"Oh, thanks. Do you have a blog?"

To which they would say:

"Oh God no! I effing hate people who blog."


I didn't know there was such a hatred for my nerd-like tendencies. How have I offended you, Rocker Chick? How must my penances be repaid?

So when it happened again this week I was a little more prepared:

"I like your shirt."


"Those people with blogs and MySpace accounts are such losers!"

"Yeah, I know!"

"Eff blogs!"

"Yeah, eff them!"

Dear girl with piercing in Little 5: I'm sorry I lied to you. But if you're reading this, then that means you lied too. Friends?


Anonymous said...

hahaha! I love the shirt, although I am a blog geek too;)

... said...

I saw a girl in the mall with the shirt a few weeks ago, she couldn't have been more than 14. My knee jerk reaction was "Hey!" But instead I just mummbled under my breath as she passed "jealous?" :-)

Jamie said...

My boobs totally fill out the shirt better than hers!

... said...

Well, that's true enough!

Twisted DNA said...

Geez, I hate bloggers ;)

Anonymous said...

"My boobs totally fill out the shirt better than hers!"

ahheem. Umm yes, yes they do!

citizen student said...

you know what?

the shirt is great, it's cute it's funny...

but on a serious note, people who say stuff like "yea bloggers are losers" are losers themselves because how can you rag on someone for what they do? who are they to judge?


i love your shirt.

dont eat the token said...

kick ass!

and funny end to your post.


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