Friday, August 25, 2006


I woke up this morning feeling quite silly.

It seems like I always do after spending a night left to my own devices with an expensive bottle of wine.

I think I was quite silly last night if I remember correctly.

You know how it starts. You open the bottle with dinner and then you realize you're not very hungry and you have that second glass. And you have big fugging wine glasses. Then you realize you probably shouldn't put an open bottle of wine back in the fridge, so you keep on trucking. Before you know it, it's 1 AM and you've managed to drink an entire bottle of reserve that you had been saving for over a year and a half for a special occasion.

Uh, so anyways...

I was feeling quite silly this morning.

It was raining, meaning my apartment will still leak today without any progress made on the repairs. My bosses are out of town and I have a few small tasks to do, nothing big planned.

I walked into my Uptown office building this morning and greeted everyone as usual. They, however, just stared at me. Slowly they began entering my cubicle.


"So what?"

"You have pigtails!"


"But you're not 8."

"I'm well aware of this."

Someone else filed in, said good morning without looking and continued to her desk. She stopped in her tracks and backed up.


"You didn't even look directly at me!"

"I saw you in my peripheral. Seriously, pigtails?"

"I was feeling silly."

"Pigtails suit you."

Erin came to say good morning.


"Yes! There are two of them! And they're are on my head!"

"You're wearing pigtails?"



... said...

I love wearing my hair in pigtails! If done correctly, some guys actually say I'm sexy!

Anonymous said...

Are we talking about pigtails worn on the head in the same proximity as pany tails would, or pig tails worn low at the side and base of your head?

I love pigtails when done right. I actually think I liked them the most on me when my hair was just barely long enough to do the style, with little nubbies at the end. If you remember my pic with Cat, I had them in pigtails there.. they were so cute!

Jamie said...

Worn low at the base, twisted up bun-style :)

Anonymous said...

Very cute!

aprilbapryll said...

I wear pigtails all the time ... Christen usually jumps me when I wear them ;-)

Ryon said...

I wanna see a pic....c'mon you gotta post one. It is the least you can do for us loyal fans of yours. Show us the pigtail love....

dont eat the token said...

I love it! I once was feeling quite silly and wore my version of pigtails to Corporate America. Since my hair is so long, I don't think it looks right unless in a single pony. So I put the two ponies up high on my head and twisted them down and secured them. T-bear was the one to help coin my "princess leah devil buns"

Wear 'em again, for sure.

AG, I think those piggies were super cute indeed. My friend Gem has the same length and we made her do it the other night.


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