Monday, August 28, 2006

Cambell's Soup & Brisses

I know I'm... different.

A little outspoken, a little outrageous, a little audacious.

You either love me or effing hate me. I get a good mix of both.

I wondered where I got this personality from. I'm not like my mother or my brother at all. They don't get me and I don't try to make them understand. I always thought I was the way I am in rebellion to their lifestyles.

However, I learned I am exactly like my family. My other family.

One of my other brothers had a housewarming party and he got a keg. As a family we floated the canned beast, something I had only previously seen at college parties involving more people than my step-family.

My step-mother walks out of the kitchen and hands my brother a can opener. His other one had rusted so she bought him a new one. That must be a mother thing: the same thing happened to me when I moved in April.

He takes the can opener, opens it, and says, "Damn. You could circumcise someone with this thing."

Well no wonder.

I am exactly like my family. My other family.


Anonymous said...

Funny because I thought the same thing when I got my can opener. hehe.

Jamie said...

LOL- you see a can opener and think penis too?

... said...

I was gonna say that is quite a suggestive looking opener!

Anonymous said...

yeah that's about the only time! hahah. Who woulda thought that can opener= penis in my head lol.

Perhaps I was thinking I could use it as a weapon if one tried getting near me ;)


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