Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Commercial Break

It's official: the economy is in a recession. I heard it's the worst recession since the Great Depression and I'd be lying if I wasn't half-convinced that I'm going to be homeless and begging for food on the streets within the year. Money's tight and my social calendar has become boring because I'm making sure to pay my credit card bill in full every month--if I'm not in debt then I have nothing to lose. Well, that's the assumption I'm operating under.

The dollar isn't worth anything anymore, and commercials tell you it's time to melt down Uncle Ben's retirement watch he left you before he kicked it. Like ain'tshakespeare told my portly gentleman friend of the North: "Melt down your golden sofa, your golden dailyware and place settings, your golden air conditioning unit, your golden hamburgers and all that golden gold you have, and you're set."

Only, uh, I don't have an Uncle Ben. Or hamburgers. Hamburgers are for the rich, folks. I'm back to Ramen Noodles. So eff that, it's time to buy my own bullion and shove it under my mattress!


dont eat the token said...

Really? I was wondering about it the other day ... so now it's been made official.

Jukebox likes to ask me to go for a drive and help pick out the bridge he is going to live under.

Will said...

I look at it differently...the further the dollar tanks, the less I'm in debt.
If only my income actually stayed consistant...

The Mad Inscriber said...

Now imagine you have to pay thousands of dollars to an attorney... I'm envying your life right now...


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