Friday, March 28, 2008

Turns out he's the guy who ruined snowmen for children everywhere

Boyfriend came home from washing my truck for me (awesome) and handed me one of my Wachovia bank deposit envelopes I stash in the door of the truck. "I got Young Jeezy's autograph for you."


"You don't know who Young Jeezy is?" he asked, honestly shocked.

"No," I shrugged.

"He's a rapper. He's as big as TI," he explained slowly as if I was a two-year-old who speaks English as a second language.

"The only reason I know who TI is is because he got arrested at my Walgreens for trying to buy a machine gun!" Like, duh.

I picked up the folded envelope and studied the signature. I suppose it reads Young Jeezy, but not a single character looks like one from the English language. In an effort to make it legible, I squinted. "So where did you see Young Jeezy?"

"At the Cactus Car Wash. He was just hanging out there."

"So this famous rapper justs hangs out at the car wash?" I picked up the envelope again, trying to decide if the signature was in pencil or ink, and how much it would be worth on eBay. "How did you know it was him? Do you know what he looks like?"

"A black girl was freaking out when she saw him and said she didn't have the nerve to ask him for a picture and autograph, so I went with her."

"Ah," I laughed. "So you had to get confirmation from another race!"


At lunch today I decided to test the worth of my autograph. "So Boyfriend got me Young Jeezy's signature."

Dan paused, "Who?"

I think that answers my question.


aprilbapryll said...

I called my mother and she said "of course I know who Young Jeezy is! He's vulger, but very popular." and my sister said, "Of course!" so ... it just so happens that normal people like us don't have any idea about that sort of thing ... :) For the record, my mom did sound like she was drooling when I told her you had his autograph, so you may be good with eBay :)

Jamie said...

Your mom knows who Young Jeezy is?


dont eat the token said...

My bff knows who he is. So one white girl in MN who loves rap has heard of him - but can't think of any songs off the top of her head.

Good luck on eBay!

aprilbapryll said...

Oh yeah, my mom is a huge rap fan. It's quite disconcerting, but we make up for it by making fun of her constantly (my brother and I).

Anonymous said...

Dan's comment was HILARIOUS!

The Mad Inscriber said...

Add me to... Young Jeezy who?


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