Thursday, December 14, 2006

How to get out of jury duty

This case is actually one that I wouldn't mind working on. However, the justice system only comps you for $25 a day. Making $750 a month for three to four months would get me evicted. I can't live off that amount.

Which makes me wonder about the people who do see these trials through. Not exactly a jury of your peers, are they?

Edit 2:49 PM. This has turned into a hilarious topic at work. How would you get out of jury duty? What would you say? What would you wear?


Momo said...

I've had jury duty several times. (I guess from moving - they get me everywhere I go.) It's terrible for me. I'm a bleeding heart liberal - and sometimes I tell them that. And sometimes - it works.

Jamie said...

Ooh! Nice tip :)

dont eat the token said...

Huh - I don't know what I'd do. I'd probably be honest and they wouldn't want me. (too compassionate with gut feelings, probably side with someone regardless of "facts")

Or I'd wear my boobie shirts.

OR I'd enjoy making $25/day.

aprilbapryll said...

A lot of companies comp you for the difference, like military duty. If you're actually interested in serving you can find out from HR.

Otherwise, tell them that you know exactly who he is and you hope he fries. That will get you out of it.

aprilbapryll said...

PS - I bet your Weather Whore is damn cold -- why the heck is she wearing a middrift if it's under 50 degrees? Someone's got to talk some sense into her ...

Anonymous said...

I've been called for jury dutey twice...I simply ignored it both times.

Nothing has happened. ;)


Will said...

The trick is to say you're prejudiced between all races...

(Like many things in life, this can be solved by a Simpsons quote)

The RHS said...

hmm. Last time I got called for jury duty I told them I was moving and there was no point in calling me since there was a good chance I wouldn't even be in their jurisdiction. It worked!

The last time I actually had jury duty was right after 9/11. So they get us all ready to walk into the court room and we have to go through the metal detector. When they ran my backpack through the metal detector, all of a sudden they started freaking out and asking me what I had in it. I was all "Huh?" and they're all "Sir, WHAT is in your backpack?!?!?!?!?" They were looking at these four long, cylidrical things flashing on the monitor. Pipe bombs. Dynamite. Something. Well, at least something other than the front and rear pegs I pulled of my bike.

So I recommend smuggling pipe bombs in. Or something that looks like a pipe bomb. Or referring to your militia and how they're gonna' take care of "you people".

Jamie said...

DET- Boobie shirts, check.

Frog Princess- That's why I call her my weather whore instead of weather pixie. She's quite the scandalous one!

Steve- But I do get that day out of work... hmmm...

Will- Yes, being prejudiced against just whites might get me on the jury :)

RHS- That's crazy they asked you about it. I thought they would have bummed rushed you and asked questions later!


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