Monday, December 18, 2006

Polonius said something about brevity... I remember it being ironic...

Maybe it's because I haven't homed my skills as a truly great writer, but I find that it is easier to write about raw pain and angst. To write about something where you are emotionally connected flows easier and brings joy by giving the satisfaction of accomplishing in place of brooding. It also brings about a much needed therapeutic release. An emotional evacuation.

I don't think I'm alone in this school of thought. Looking at my blog roll at the blogs I read, I have to accept that as life and joy intrudes on the writers, the posts become less frequent and less forthcoming. Simply less. I can see it in Chuckieeverdapper and me and Vegasgustan, as off-blog parties occupy thoughts and much valued time.

And yet some days are like this: nothing bad has happened, nothing good has happened, and there is no emotional connectedness to write from, enabling the diarrhea of the keyboard and bending words to fill a need rather than elevating them to reflect an idea or emotion. Some days are such that I just seem to go through the motions.

I think blogs, and their owners, follow cycles. Like seasons, they reflect the emotion of whom is behind it, and with job and good tidings assured maybe the cold and raw posts of winter are something that just don't exist for me. Is it in the chill of loneliness, in the searching that most people find a voice? Is it simply easier to write from the dark moments of experience and imagination?

Maybe if I were a better writer, I could endure the winter storm, which is indeed not the blusters of life, but rather the stagnation of it.

Or maybe it's for the very perfect of reasons: I don't feel like it.


The RHS said...

nah, you're a good writer. Or I just like reading about your pain and angst. Hmmm. Maybe I'm really a masochist. Would I be a masochist if I like reading about other people's pain instead of actually being the one creating it? Or maybe this whole world is my doing and I really am the one causing the pain . . . . hmmm.

anyways, this is one of the few blogs I make a point of trying to read. Not that I'm some authority on great writing. But I can tell you I don't read a whole lot.

Momo said...

You're an excellent writer! And very funny, too! Maybe nothing bloggable has happened lately...or maybe the holidays are occupying your time.

You'll find something soon!

dont eat the token said...

Dude, this post in of itself is incredibly written. Take solice in that. And maybe it's just that there aren't many topics at the moment that you feel like blogging.

I agree, it's "easier" to write what's painful - partly b/c no one can shit on it. Sometimes I feel like not writing happy stupid stuff b/c "it's been done" and I'm afraid of boring my audience.

write anyway. :)

We wouldn't check back if we didn't enjoy all of it!

OR is your post just a long winded "i'm not going to blog for awhile" !??!

aprilbapryll said...

I write when I feel like writing, what I feel like writing. Like right now it's about the hole in my pants and doing christmas shopping. probably not the most riviting stuff, but fun for me. When I get busy, I stop writing. I'm trying to stop worrying about that time. :)

Anonymous said...

I'm here from Dan's place.
Sometimes, as a writer you must step back and look at a bigger picture to order to get inspired.

Anonymous said...

Jamie, I think you write very well. But don't ever force it. If you don't feel like it, do something else.

And don't worry about it. When it becomes a task it's no longer fun.

Anonymous said...

Oh! I almost forgot! I can see the right pink border when using Firefox but not when using MS IE (and I even upgraded to v7 yesterday).

Go figure!

Hugs and kisses.

Anonymous said...

I think that's why some of the best writers also were drug addicts, alcoholics, homeless, etc. This ensured that their lives would always be filled with pain and angst, and that their writing would always be grade A.

Personally, I'd rather be happy than a good writer ... so luckily I don't write to pay the bills!

citizen student said...

sometimes we're just storing up more and more irritation so that one day we can sit down and bang out like 200 pages of a personal memoir, all about that one christmas you'll never forget because it's your first real christmas with a crappy tree and pathetic bulbs, the dog has peed on the bed, and the parents came up from miles away only to annoy you only as parents can but you can't be mad becasue they made the effort to come out here...


okay. release!

honestly, i'm just too damn lazy lately what with no actual schedule or structure to my life, but thanks for thinkin of me!

Anonymous said...

I don't know if you got the last one. I just switched to the new blogger thing and it gave me some message. Anyway, CHEERS to you being honest and you are a good writer. Life happens to us all and right now mine is a huge busy mess.

aprilbapryll said...

Merry Christmas, Jamie!!

Anonymous said...

now it is i who am missing your regualr posts.

o the humanity of it all!

merry new year!

Anonymous said...

happy new year!

Anonymous said...

I figure when I'm happy that no one wants to read that, hell, I know I don't even feel like reading it in retrospect, it gives me an ucky, gag me sort of feeling.

Bring on the angst and frustration!


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