Tuesday, November 28, 2006

I effing told you so!

I am not above "I told you sos."

Matter of fact, there is also an "I told you so" dance to accompany my finger pointing and excited shouting. With the dance, comes the "I told you so" song. I've got the marketing covered on the "I told you sos."

It's not pretty, but I thoroughly enjoy myself when the occasion arises.

It's no secret that I'm full-on obsessed with Grey's Anatomy. I've canceled dates twice so I could watch it (while recording it, there's really no excuse here). Thursdays at 9 o'clock I will not answer my phone. With Christopher, I made him raise his hand and promise not to bug me during the hour it was on after he had to sweet talk me into even coming over. After the porn fiasco, I demanded possession of his remote during my program.

So it really shouldn't surprise people that I demanded a concession when I agreed to go with my mother for Thanksgiving: at 9 o'clock I was going to watch my show come hell or high water (even though I was recording it at home).

My mother's extended family crowded into my grandparents' living room to watch the show with me. It was more of a lack of options than for family togetherness: there's not much else to do after dark on a farm in rural North Carolina. While watching the episode unfold, I kept repeating to no one in particular, "Cristina is being Lady MacBeth."


"Cristina is Lady Macbeth in this episode. She's pushing Burke into immoral activity for him to succeed. Burke is resistant. It was Lady Macbeth who encouraged Macbeth into killing everybody to be king. Burke is a candidate for chief of surgery. How can you not see the parallels?"

"You're reading too much into it, Journalist."

"Look! Burke just pointed out that Cristina has a spot of blood on her! 'Out, damn'd spot! Out, I say!'"

"You're crazy."

So I huffed and stewed and finished my show in silence.

Upon checking my Grey's Anatomy writers' blog this morning, however, I received confirmation that I AM A FREAKING GENIUS.

I'm sorry, what does that say in the second paragraph of the blog? Let's reexamine:

It's no song and dance, but it'll have to do for the Internet. The rest will come later tonight when I make exactly three phone calls.


dont eat the token said...

I have the same issue where I "have" to watch GA even though it's recording (what if the recording fails?) and now that there are so many shows I watch on Thursday I may have to push GA recording to the Friday night reruns ... but I wanna watch it Thursday night!

Good job on the Lady Macbeth - it never crossed my mind!

Jamie said...

I had to drop Scrubs because I only have 2 TVs and VCRs and The OC and Grey's won out. Stupid Thursday night at 9 timeslot. I'm so glad I'm not the only one freakishly obsessed! :)

Anonymous said...

I have a degree in that and I never saw the Lady Macbeth thing...but, to be fair to me, I never did read Macbeth.

And James, you need a DVR like a fat kid needs cake. They aren't that much more expensive, you should just look into it. I don't miss an episode of anything anymore, it's fantastic!

Jamie said...

I don't have a phone line and to me it's not worth another 30 bucks a month, in addition to the DVR service. :(

Anonymous said...

My DVR was only $10 more a month...and it didn't require a phone line. Why would you need a phone line????

Jamie said...

You say $10 more a month. That implies you have either cable or satellite service. I have neither.


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