Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Put That on Your T-shirt

I received an e-mail from a fellow blogger asking me about things to do in Atlanta for an upcoming business trip. My e-mails are pretty stream-of-conscious so of course my response consists of me thinking aloud:

After giving it some thought, I gave a short yes and no list. Yes to the aquarium and the Coke museum (with recommendations on which flavors of Coke to drink while there-- I'm such a dork); no to Underground and anything else in the 5 Points/ Downtown area (post to follow explaining this).

So this is his response:

Jamie-James-- instigating misbehavior since November 2006.

That's a lie. Instigating misbehavior since as long as I can remember.

Oh, and BTW, they do have t-shirts.


Jamie said...

I'm sorry, but does anyone else look at that picture and want to throw up?

Anonymous said...

Sorry, nix on the nausea, but then I'm culinarily flexible, as long as it doesn't involve something I'm allergic to. (I mean, if I were to be picky on top of the allergies...?!?)

I've been there. It's not that bad. And lemonade + iced tea is something I make on purpose.

OTOH, I'd not necessarily make it an actual tourist stop.

Anonymous said...

What is that in the plate with the waffles? My Uncle Ernie?

Jamie said...

CN- Half sweet tea, half lemonade makes me want to vomit. But I do want a t-shirt now :)

Dan- Silly Dan. It's the CHICKEN part of the CHICKEN and waffles! LOL!

Anonymous said...


The RHS said...

I dunno now. I went to the website and checked out the facilities (well, whatever pics they had) and it looks like a pretty posh place where I might have to wear a button-up shirt.

But those t-shirts are cool. =/

Jamie said...

I don't think button-downs are required. Judging from the crowd that hangs around outside most people don't there. Go! I want stories!

How else am I supposed to stalk you? :P

Anonymous said...

rhs: Button shirts are hardly necessary, but jeans & Ts must be more chic than shabby. Goes with the territory. And on that note, don't go too late. We went at 4 am, but there were a lot of us, at least half of which were large males.

Jamie said...

I'm going to assume that means ChaosProject was there.

The RHS said...

I'm so fucked. I can't go to that waffle place wearing what I own. I don't think anything I own would qualify for chic!

though i'm flattered at the thought of having a stalker, i think your tv watching habits make it unlikely. =D

Jamie said...

I'm sorry. You don't own a t-shirt and jeans?

What sort of clothes do you hippies wear in the upper northwest??

Oh, I know.


Good news is that will prolly get you some sort of street cred and a rapper name here.

Jamie said...

Grey's Anatomy 4 EVA!!!

The RHS said...


though a rapper name would have been cool. =(

But I do have a pair of (un-chic)jeans and a t-shirt.


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