Monday, November 27, 2006

Thanksgiving Recap

Number of questions asked before "Are you seeing anybody:" 1.
Coincidentally, number of minutes between walking in the door and "Are you seeing anybody:" 2.

*The first question was "How are you?" and everybody knows that one doesn't count.

**Also, if you respond by saying "Not one person in particular, but I date. A LOT," the Family will exchange a look that hollers "So she's the family whore."

My aunt and uncle said to me, "We don't know about dropping you off at the shopping center by yourself."

"Um, I'm 25. I pay taxes. And rent. And I've done much worse at much later hours."

"Oh, we forgot you grew up."


My favorite saying from the trip:
Remember to lift the handle when you flush. It's a brand new toilet, but our plumber died before he could come back and fix it.
I love old people.


Anonymous said...

Nice Recap! I had to work, so Thanksgiving is for me is tonight!

Unknown said...

Ahh, I've missed this blog, can't wait to have a chance to read this regularly again :)

Jamie said...

TDG- Hope yours is less dysfunctional!

Mesabi Red- You're alive!!!!!! Yea!!!!!

The RHS said...

hey hey hey! Glad to see you survived!

I love old people too. If they don't make you feel better about how you're living then they give you a goal to strive for, like sitting on the porch, drunk by 1 in the afternoon shooting at crows and cars that drive too fast.

Jamie said...

You gotta have goals, man. Mine is to sit up straight so I don't get hump-back when I'm 80.


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