Tuesday, July 25, 2006


I read an article on-line a few weeks ago that women's bathroom products are 30% higher on cost than men's. It was a part of a super-saver series. If women bought non gender related products, they could save a pretty penny.

In the aisles of Wal-Mart Sunday, I took the test. The pretty pink fruit scented shaving gel with extra aloe I had been buying for years cost $2.79. I skimmed the bottom shelf and found Colgate shaving cream with extra aloe for $.99. Holy crap! That's a lot more than a 30% increase!

Next item: razors. The disposable pink daisies came 10 in a bag for $2.99. Man-blue disposable razors? 25 for $1.99. Oh dear God, I couldn't believe how much money I have been spending over the years so I could have pink things! With the exception of deodorant and conditioner, I bought all non gender bathroom products: shaving cream, razors, soap, and mousse. I saved a ton that I promptly spent in the bargain bins at Barnes & Noble.

Yesterday I returned home from work and I stopped in the entryway with my keys in the door. My apartment felt wrong. It felt like there was someone there while I was gone. Moreover, it felt like a man was there while I was gone. I stood on the slate tile and inhaled. Yes, a man had been here.

I dropped my keys in the basket and turned around and faced my bathroom door, following the scent. It smelled of all things man: Irish Spring soap and shaving cream. I felt a pang in my heart, remembering all the times I returned home to that smell. If I walked around the corner I would see the man napping with my dog.

I didn't have to walk around the corner; I knew no one would be there. I stared motionless at my bathroom door. I had done it to myself. I didn't buy the girlie products and now it smelled like a man. I didn't even know I had missed the scent until it came wafting out at me, but there I stood spellbound.

Nikita came out from under the bed, stretched and yawned and wagged her way over to me. I crouched low to pet her, still staring at the bathroom, almost willing someone to walk out of it. I felt lonely. For the first time in a very long time, I felt lonely. I inhaled one last time, feeling another pang.

Nikita licked my wrist and brought me back to present times: a happy dog, a beautiful apartment with everything I could want or need for, and a busy schedule that didn't allow me to pause and think about such things. The phone would ring in a minute and I would spend the hour before dinner gabbing to my best friends about upcoming plans, laughing while the grilled chicken consumed the sharp smell of Irish Spring.


citizen student said...

isn't it sad that i hang on your every word and here i am commenting again after you've just posted? well... you'll get over it.

the smell of a man.. sometimes men walk past and their cologne evokes strong memories for me... but most of those memories i'd rather forget. and i hate associating a scent with brian because then i miss him when i smell it.

the other day i walked past one of my colleagues and she smelled like preschool. why do i remember that? like plasticine, finger paints and old wooden furniture. childhood toys.

but at any rate, you've gotten the good "guy smell" without all the hassle and fuss that goes along with actually having a guy. just tell people he's away for the weekend.

Jamie said...

It's not sad, it makes my day!

Hmm, I like I have the guy smell without the fuss. I will have to remember that.

dont eat the token said...

Aww, bittersweet. But yes, no matter the scents that catch you by surprise -- you have wonderful things, people and pet in your life!

... said...

consider yourself lucky...you get all the nice smells of a man without having to

a. put up with a man in the first place.

b. deal with the fact they smell like shit without that stuff!


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