Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Simple Pleasures

I went home to see my mother and step-father on Sunday. They thought it was to visit. However, I was just really missing Wal-Mart. Atlanta doesn't have one, and after $72 on groceries last week at Publix and the cupboards are bare again, I decided I needed a spree at one.

I had finally accepted Atlanta's smaller grocery stores: a Target with 2 floors, Publix with really long aisles and only carries two-thirds of what I really want. (How can a grocery store NOT have turkey chili? Seriously? Slim Fast in powder form? Not here!)

I grabbed a cart at Wal-Mart and began sweet talking the food, "Hello Hamburger Helper, I've missed you! What's that? You actually have 2 new varieties? Yes please!"

My mother put a little distance between us when I shrilled with glee at the cereal aisle. "Look Ma, they have three sizes of Lucky Charms! Three sizes! I bet that big one won't even fit in my cupboard!"

She yelled at me when I began baby talking the Pringles, all $1 a can. "You're so cute! Yes you are! And I can take your brothers and your sisters home with me because you're less than half the price than in Atlanta!"

Seriously, most fun I had all week. I filled and entire cart full of mostly premade food that will last me months and handed over my credit card when the total reached $58. I saved $8 in crackers alone. Now for all this eating I have planned.


citizen student said...

you don't even know how obsessed i am with shopping at pharmacies and grocery stores overseas.
omg. i get so excited... it's like... i could spend about 4 hours in a grocery store and not be done...

bottle of coke for 89cents? by three!
two bags of chips less than a dollar? fill the cupboards!

sigh... i'm all shuddery with anticipation

Jamie said...

That's what I did. In front of my horrifed mother I bought seven (7) boxes of Hamburger Helper, four (4) boxes of Wheat Thins and two (2) cans of powdered Slim Fast. She said it was like watching people buy food before a storm hit. I couldn't just buy one of anything!

dont eat the token said...

ha! great post. i love baby-talking to products too.

i visit walmart every couple of weeks, late at night. less creepy people there.

or am i the creepy?

Jamie said...

I think our baby talking ways might classify us as the creepies.

But at least we're not the fat ones in the courtesy scooters with our shirts riding up our stomachs.

I'll take creepy over fat any day!


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