Tuesday, June 13, 2006

It's raining, it's pouring, I'm not an old man, but you know the rest

I woke up yesterday morning and something was wrong.

And it wasn't the tangled mess of sheets.

It was my head.

Breathing was difficult, my skin felt hot, and when I slid out of bed I felt dizzy.

I was sick.

Was it the hours spent in the park last night and my sinuses were stuffed up? Or was it when I babysat my sister's sick baby last weekend?

How can something that weighs 20 pounds make me feel like this?

I moaned and went to work anyways. No one would ever believe that I magically got sick on a Monday morning. But when it was 9 am and my boss found me passed out on my desk, she sent me home.

Nikita was surprised to see me home so early. I caught her sleeping in the living room. She yawned and stretched and wiggled when she saw me. Usually she's under the bed when I get home and now I had proof that she doesn't spend all day under there.

I coughed, blew my nose, grabbed a blanket and laid down on the couch. Daytime TV- the one perk of being home sick. Forget the soccer game that people took today off for, I wanted Montel. I wanted DNA tests and babies' daddies.

I settled for Family Feud hosted by that guy from Home Improvement. One of the families was the dumbest family I've ever seen. They didn't have a single point and when the host asked them "Where would you least likely want to fall asleep?" they responded, "While smoking."

Yeah, because that's a place. Effing morons.

I drifted off to sleep during the $20,000 round and awoke when the storm came. Thunder, lightning, the whole works. I love being at home during storms and couldn't believe my luck.

I must have fallen back asleep because when I woke up, I heard a dripping sound. The storm had passed and I listened to the sound some more. That dripping sounded close; it didn't sound like it was coming from outside. I walked to the balcony door and I stepped in it. A puddle. In my living room. There was a new crack in the ceiling and water was coming out of it. I looked in the kitchen where there's another crack in the ceiling and I found the sound I heard. *Drip* *Drip* *Drip* The island in my kitchen was completely soaking wet. I grabbed the big pots and stuck them under the streams of water coming from my ceiling. Thank God I was home on a Monday afternoon, I thought.

I put some pants on and walked down to the office to let them know I was drowning in my own apartment. And then I realized that I live on the first floor--there are three floors above me--how the hell was water coming through my ceiling?

They said that they can't patch up my ceiling until it dries. I noticed it was damp in three more places between the kitchen and the balcony door.

I woke up this morning, took double the medicine, and went in to work. While driving I noticed the gray clouds and it was raining by the time I got to the office.

I sure hope I left those pots out in the correct places.


Momo said...

I'm sorry you're sick. I hope you feel better soon!

But, this post did crack me up though...I love your Family Feud commentary. Ha!

Unknown said...

Oh Dear God, what a day! Hope you're feeling better, I'd say there's something going around since I've been since a bunch, but I'm pretty sure germs don't travel this far!

... said...

I can't believe you are watching Fever Pitch. Suddenly had a hinkering for some soft core???

Feel better though, and I hope your upstairs neighbor didn't leave his water running, if you know what I mean!

dont eat the token said...

good luck, i hope the ceiling dries up quick!

dont eat the token said...

I couldn't find a comments dealio on your latest post. But unfortunately my last comment "dries up quick" applies to today! I find when I'm sick and all air-heady that I drop things, stub my toes and am generally awkward in my own space. You'll get better soon!


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