Friday, June 09, 2006

Don't tell Jamie-- he probably lives in Minnesota

Every morning at work I log in to my computer, check my office e-mail to moderate my blog comments, check my personal e-mail, and then my MySpace account. Every morning in that order. The people whose desks are near mine know this too. Morning talk is usually about anything interesting I may find in my inboxes: from exactly how many lonely horny housewives there can be to the time a few weeks ago where I whined in a high pitch, "It's not fair!"

A girl shouts through the cubicle, "What?"

I really truly believe that there are people in my office that I've never spoken to face-to-face, only through our cubicle walls. I shout back, "A guy just found me through my MySpace. I haven't seen him since high school and he turned into a total hottie who 'thinks a lot about the time we spent together.'"

"Well that's good. What's not fair about that?"

"His page says he lives in Minnesota." Then I mumbled under my breath, "I could never live there." I didn't think anyone heard me, but everyone did and erupted in laughter.

And now Minnesota has become the official punchline for me in the office.

All the bosses are out of town this week and I'm spending a few extra minutes going through my inboxes, hoping for something good. All those quizzes everyone's been filling out? Read them.

This morning I hear her through our cubicle barriers talking to the guy next to her, "It's quiet this morning."

Guy: "It's cause everyone is out of town."

"No, that's not it. We usually hear from Jamie about now. Jamie, are you here yet?"

"Yeah, I'm here!" Nice to know everyone looks forward to hearing about my single life like I'm a weekly television show. Or a freak side show.

"What are you doing?"

"Um, I'm looking at this picture I found. Here, I'll send it to you."

Click to enlarge.

I hear them make noises as they look at the picture.

Guy: "You know we have to do this, right?"

Another guy: "Who's going to keep the list?"

Girl: "I will!"

And so we spent the better part of the morning figuring it out. We're up to 78 out of the 100.


citizen student said...

with all the movies i watch...

i'm so bad at things like this.

i stalk my own blog because i have nothing better to do. and stare at my inbox hoping for a good email to come up......... now!


Jamie said...

I sent you an e-mail this morning!

citizen student said...

it's that bastard quarantine site i bet you.

it steals all of my moms emails too! i still feel special!

i'm completely obsessed with that picture now. i've found 55. the obvious ones i'm struggling with- a doberman pincer? a chicken? eyes on a dune and a volcano? hmm...

Jamie said...

Chicken Run was my guess.

The Hills Have Eyes.

I have no idea about the dog. Black Dog?

I also can't get the motorcycle, elephant, or Zulu-looking character. Or the guy with the jug on his head with the fly swatter- what is up with that?

citizen student said...

for some reason i laughed out loud at that last comment.

there was a movie called elephant that came out recently, with one of the kids that starred in the lords of dog town... (the long haired blonde)... the motorcylce? i keep coming back to motorcycle diaries but there's no diary. the dog? anybody's guess.
i am no good with addictive games at work. i get *obsessed*

citizen student said...


Jamie said...

Zoot alors! I think you're right! Still doesn't explain the fly swatter though...

citizen student said...


and the zulu? Shaka Zulu!

citizen student said...

sorry for all the comments :s...

i can't get the fire in the bins... what does it meeeeeeaaaaaannnnnnn??? and the little pile of whatevers between the clock work orange and chicken run... what the hell is it?

Jamie said...

Haha. The fire in the bins is actually a saddle on fire, hence Blazing Saddles!

We decided (after zooming with our software) that it is a pile of chocolate so we called it Chocolat.

Let me know when you get the cake one.

citizen student said...

Layer Cake!
It's a britsh movie and i think Sienna Miller is in it, with the guy that's going to be the next James Bond- Daniel something

citizen student said...

So what's that card in the bottom left hand corner? the green 10?

or the black star?

Jamie said...

Greencard (Jeff Daniels)


Lonestar (which is a guess)

Did you get the donkey or the bull?

citizen student said...

THe donkey i think is Jackass the Movie... the bull is i think The Matador, with Pierce Brosnan...

Did you see "Thirteen" in the top left hand corner?

What are the swallows? and that stupid cherry in the lower right hand corner.. and the dagger... and the satellite dish? i'm revealing myself here... but IT'S KILLING ME

citizen student said...

as hard as it is to drag myself away from this, it's finally time for me to get the hell out of here (although i have to work this weekend anyway and monday's a holiday and i'm working that too)...

when are the answers comin out for this? get drunk!!

Jamie said...

There is a movie called "Thirteen." I wouldn't recommend it.

We think the 6 swallows is "The Birds."

The cherry is a red eye, "Red Eye"

Anonymous said...

OMG the madness! I thought about doing it but it made my head hurt lol. Perhaps I will do it on a day I work with the crazy nurse, it will give us something to do lol.

Ryon said...

What's your Myspace page?

Plus, can you send me the list you have so far and I will try to help you complete it?

Sorry I have not commented in a while.

Oh, and where the hell are my CDs?

dont eat the token said...

Once you live here and enjoy the scene in Mpls and date a few hot guys .. you'll get used to the psychotic weather.

A girl from MN .. found you through Angel.

Your office life sounds like mine in the past. A little fun for the day!

dont eat the token said...

Oh, and have you heard of

Just try typing in film titles and it'll come back with real answers.

cheating is for over-achievers?

Unknown said...

Poor Minnesota. No one loves us :(


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