Friday, April 28, 2006

Rifle in hand and two in the bush

Like relationships, I think people can become gun-shy regarding their jobs. I don't really know anyone who is comfortable in his or her job. Everyone has the lazy eye, keeping watch for new opportunities while at the same time trying not to get canned from their current positions.

I've become gun-shy. When I first started interviewing for my current position, I refused to get excited about it or even tell anyone. When they offered me the position, I smiled and thanked them, but I still lacked excitement. I should have been jumping up and down that my 4 month unemployment spell was over and I would be making good money again. Unfortunately, I've been canned before and jobs for me became my figurative boyfriend--I didn't trust them and was fully expecting them to screw me over.

My coworkers began questioning why I haven't decorated my cubicle. I told them I had a few things, but they were still in boxes from my last move. Truth is, if they let me go, I just wanted to grab my keys and leave, I didn't want to go through the shame of having to collect up my pictures and paintings. You feel like a big enough loser as it is without having to hang around to take things with you. You take down artwork and immediately loathe it for making you stay behind while everyone watches and whispers.

Before I signed my lease, I went to my boss: "I'm about to sign a year lease on an apartment I love, but can barely afford. Before I enter in any contracts binding me to this place, is there anything I should know?" That's how skittish I am.

She had a good laugh and told me to take the apartment.

I love my job. For the first time I have an actual career that can take me places. I have a job that requires a college education. It requires me to think. I'm a specification writer: I write legal binding documents for architects and engineers. So after 4 months, I finally hung something up in my barren cubicle and my coworkers can't stop laughing:


citizen student said...

you sound *almost* like me-

except i wasn't getting so much fired from positions as i was quitting them.

after i came from school i got a job working at french connection for shit pay as a sales rep. i quit cuz i had medical expenses and i couldn't afford stuff working there. i got a job as a bank teller and came to LOATHE it. i quit after ten months because they were full of shit, didn't treat the staff well, or pay well (anything under $500 is just fing ridiculous) and i hated it. and all in between that i was working at le spot as a waitress/counter bitch and hating that as well. QUIT.

on a whim i got this job as a special features writer (total kindred spirit). thank god my boss decided to take a chance on me... yea it was hard but she trusts me so much now and i've totally taken over my space. i should take a pic one day of my desk so you can see it... i love all my coworkers but a few..(you know, the one i was telling you about? GRITTING MY TEETH HERE)... it feels good to be challenged though, and to push yourself and know that you can go places and are not going to be left stagnant
but i am SO glad you've settled...


Eric said...

Is there something wrong with you if you touch your...uh...actuator too much?

Jamie said...

You'll grow hair on your palms and your face will be frozen that way!


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