Monday, May 01, 2006

Raise the roof because it's all on fire

(JAMIE and company are at a street festival. They are standing and watching perhaps the most disorganized parade ever. Random people dressed in whatever their grandmothers left them in their attics holding trumpets and occasionally blowing a note. JAMIE didn't really want to see the parade, but she had already gotten honked at by the police for not getting out of the way, so she made her way to the curb and watched for a few minutes. All of a sudden, she sees a black man in derby roller skates skate down the street. He managed to be dressed both in drag and as a bumble bee at the same time. JAMIE wondered how he was able to accomplish being a "queen bee" as it was later described to her. As he got closer, JAMIE inhaled sharply, swore, and covered her eyes with her hand. The black Queen Bee in derby roller skates was wearing a very tiny yellow tutu... and nothing else. Thin black briefs stretched over his "cash and prizes" and hung below the 2" yellow tulle. Behind him, a John Deere tractor pulls a trailer full of girl scouts. A mother was walking with the trailer, directing the girls to "raise the roof" with their hands.)

JAMIE: (smacks gum and leans toward friend) When was the last time you saw someone raise the roof?
FRIEND: I don't know.
JAMIE: It's been years, right? Like how many? 5? (Pauses) Do people still raise the roof?
FRIEND: The Girl Scouts do!
JAMIE: Yes they do... one glass ceiling at a time.


citizen student said...

what's extra funny about this is we were having dinner last night and discussing times when we'd seen peoples "junk"...



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