Monday, February 13, 2006

True Romance

I was in Kroger buying some dog bones and the floral section had taken over the front half of the store, forcing me to walk through it.

I stopped dead when I saw this:

Not sure what it is? Let me zoom in for you:

Yes, that is a 6-pack of Budweiser nested in peanuts presented like a bouquet of flowers.

I was so disgusted when I saw this. Only in Georgia! I try and tell people we're not all hick rednecks and then I walk in my local grocery store and see this. Yes, yes we are all hick rednecks. Nothing I could possibly say could excuse this.

I sat on this a few days, waiting until it was closer to the actual holiday to post. As time progressed I kept thinking back to the 6-pack of beer. I'm currently using it as the wallpaper on my cell phone. The more I thought about it, the more I warmed up to it. You know, that would be the perfect gift for me. I love beer and I have the sense of humor to appreciate it.

So for all you secret admirers out there, that's what I want. Beer. And if you're feeling especially romantic, I'll let you fill up my gas tank. Nothing says, "I dig you" like a tank full of gas.


The Portly Gentleman in Aisle 5 said...

If I had known about these sooner, I wouldn't have gotten that cubic zirconia for six easy payments of $49.95.

Ryon said...

It is not just a South thing...they are out here too. I think it may be a Kroger thing though. We have Smiths which are owned by Kroger and that is where they are. I think it is a great albeit stupid gift for anyone who likes beer and has a good sense of humor.

Anonymous said...

It's so WAAAAY classier than giving someone a pouch full of rose-seeds, some dirt, and a little water.

-Erik (The Geek)

Unknown said...

Wow! I thought we were rednecks!

Oh wait, we are.

I worry that if I went to the store, I would find the same thing, but maybe with even worse beer :)

Jamie said...

Chuckie- Wow. The one that comes with my credit card bill is for 4 easy payments of $19.99. You got screwed ;)

Erik- where is this K coming from? I thought it was with a C!

Mesabi- I guess it is a good thing it isn't Schlitz or PBR!

Ryon said...

Jaime: PBR is the best thing since individualy wrapped cheese take back the evil thing you implied...before the beer gods get angry and smite us all.

Jamie said...

VG- I drank PBR religiously until I went to a party, drank only 5, and spent the entire next day pulling over my truck to dry heave on the side of the road. No more PBR! Natty all the way!

Eric said...

Jamie...that wasn't me. That's another Whatever...he's Bizarro Eric to me!

I love PBR, but it does seem to one of the highest hangover percentages around. Maybe there's something in those tall, frosty cans?

Hope you had a good Valentine's Day!

aprilbapryll said...

That's awesome -- I wish I had seen them, I might have gotten a half-dozen for Christen's cousin. She would have been so happy :)

Anonymous said...

How 'bout "I dig you. Here's $70 to get your SUV back from a bunch of toothless redneck extortionists."

Jamie said...

Brad- yeah, totally appreciate that by the way! You saved me!

Eric said...

$70? You got off easy. Brad, can I have $105 to recoup the money I spent getting my car back from gold-toothed, ghetto extortionists?

Ryon said...

Sugarland is good if you like country. I own the album and I like it. The only song that really sounds anything like the old JN stuff is "You Just Might Make Me Believe". That is a pretty beautiful song. Other than that, she has her twang on and it is straight up country all the way.


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