Tuesday, February 21, 2006


My father calls them "Rudy Poots."

Will calls them whatever-the-ladies-refuse-to-drink-in-my-apartment-I'll-bring-and-serve-to-my-"friends."

If I had a name for it, I'd probably call it "garbage night." It's basically a party where everyone brings their left over alcohol.

I went to a birthday party Saturday night. This is what they served:
  • a handle of spiced rum

  • port (with a screw-on cap, not corked)

  • three bottles of Arbor Mist courtesy of my "friend" Will.
This was the first party I had been to in awhile where I decided to not bring my own beer. Luckily, I had four Nattys stashed in my truck (hence the biting over the last one, perhaps my actions are a little more justified now?)

This is the question I have:

When throwing a party and selecting a bottle of liquor, what is the exact thought process someone has to make them select spiced rum? Typically, you stay with your clear liquors (vodka, rum, tequila) in case of party fouls. What is going through someone's mind to make them think spiced rum is a good idea? Moreover, spiced rum straight. There was no bottle of Coke, just 4 communal shot glasses.

Oh I still drank it, don't get me wrong, but I have never been to a party before where the only liquor offering is spiced rum.

Maybe this is why things got so very out of hand that night. With that, I provide you with drunken photos:

Sometimes spiced rum makes you want to get on the exercise bike and work out while at parties.

However, the combination of spiced rum and beer gives you super strength to really go at it. Here, Will pedals so fast that he blurs the whole photo. Go, Will, go!

Birthday boy showing some love to the spiced rum.


Eric said...

I didn't think it would be possible to add class to a party by bringing Natty Light. By God, if you didn't pull it off. I am in awe.

Arbor Mist? Is he trying to lure HS girls, and/or college freshman into a drunken trap?

Anonymous said...

The Captain wasn't my idea, just for the record. Bryan's a recovering non-alcoholic which is probably why no one planned ahead. I can't do everything myself, damnit!
btw - I did notice two crushed cans of Natty Lite in the yard. I wondered why one of them had blood on it.

aprilbapryll said...

I have parties to get rid of the booze in the house, only to end up with more booze. As of the last party, I had more than 60 bottles of assorted beers, 1 bottle of baileys, 1 bottle of random irish whiskey, 1 bottle triple distilled vodka, apple vodka, vanilla vodka, malibu, midori, blue curacao, 2 1/2 bottles of Gray Goose and a half dozen bottles of wine. Wanna come over? You can float home :)

Jamie said...

Holy crap, B-Rad, I woke up the next day with blood on my hand and had no idea how I got it. I've been busted by CSI!


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