Sunday, January 01, 2006

NYE 2005


I went to a party last night and the last thing I coherently remember was a guy walking into the party with a bottle of Jagermeister under one arm and a bottle of Goldschlager under the other. Three of us who had graduated from college surrounded the bottle of Goldschlager and stared at it.
"I haven't had that since college."
"Me either."
"Me either."
"It's been 3 or 4 years for me."
"It's been 5 or 6 years for me."
"It's been at least 8 years for me."
"Well, shall we?"
I know I had a great time last night, but the details are a bit fuzzy. I was aware enough to count backwards from 10 and get my New Year's kiss, but that was basically it. With that, I'm going back to bed to recover and will leave you with drunken photos:

Paige, I put the fuzzy photo in there just for you. To keep things consistent.


Paige said...

Once again you are Queen of the Blurry photo!

Unknown said...

I just figured with all of the alcohol flowing that your camera managed to get intoxicated too! :)

Ryon said...

Well, I got stoned for the first time in three years on cheers to you!

I forgot how much I liked pot.

Jeff said...

I haven't been sloppy drunk since my cruise in october! Vegas, I'm going to have to arrest you next time I see you! lol...jk

Jamie said...

Apparently if you wave the camera in the air like you just don't care- while taking the photo- the camera DOES act just as drunk as you are.


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