Tuesday, July 05, 2005

"Why are you a dumb sh*t?" Part II

You want to talk about immaturity?

Baby and I went to see the fireworks show and we strayed away from the families and found a kick ass view on a bridge. You know who else found that spot? About 12 middle schoolers.

The team to my right screamed at the top of their lungs with every bang while jumping up and down and shaking the wire mesh on the bridge. This made me very nervous with the concrete bridge shaking underneath me and the mesh walls pounding back and forth.

The team to my right was less smack-worthy, but perhaps even more annoying. They would say, "Oh this one's going to be cool," before every. single. damn. explosion.

I wanted to holler at the ones screaming to shut up, but look at this from 3rd person perspective: a lady yelling at kids cheering for fireworks. How lame does that make me sound? Imagine if I beat them like I wanted: Woman attacks children for cheering, ruins 4th of July.



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