Friday, June 03, 2005


Yesterday was a bit of a roller coaster:


Some of you may already know that I have given up on my current crap job and am looking for another (job, not crap job). This is something I don't normally do- once I make a commitment to something, I stick with it. But during a healthy rage, I sent out a resume. Yesterday I had an initial phone interview and have a face-to-face interview next week. It's for a reader's position where I'll be editing among other multifarious tasks.

I'm excited about it. I can actually use my degree and no longer have to respond to, "Oh you work in customer service? What's your next career move?"


I get home and I attempt to unlock my front door to my apartment. I got through the lock in the door knob, but the door still won't open. I try again and found out the deadbolt was locked. This is especially strange since I live alone and have never used the deadbolt. I was a little freaked out. Then I realized how dirty the apartment was and thought, "I should have cleaned for the burglars." Nothing was taken, but there was a bra laying next to the kitchen and it definitely was not there when I left the apartment this morning. It could have been my dog, but she has never carried my underwear around before. She usually just chews the straps off where it lies. I checked my bra straps and there wasn't even a tooth mark.

Then I realized that I have a dog. One that the maintenance man is afraid of. He will not enter my apartment with her loose; he swears she growls at him. I tried explaining to the management that he is confusing her woo with a growl. (She is a Siberian Husky- she doesn't bark but makes a musical woo/howl melody. Say "woo" and raise your voice up and down- that's what she does.) So she was here when there was someone in my apartment. Did she protect her home? Or did she just lay under my bed?

I was only slightly freaked out and I sat in my bed. About an hour later I ventured out and headed into the kitchen where I noticed that the back door was also dead-bolted and the back porch light was on. I forgot I even had a back porch light- that's how long it's been since I've used it. I went from slightly freaked out to full-on freaked out and ran through my apartment again, tearing the place up, looking for a note from management or maintenance to say that they've been in there.

After finding none (I was crying by this point) I ran back to my bed. I didn't know what to do because management was gone until the next day. I called everyone I knew and felt a little better after engaging that chain thingy that keeps the door shut even if it is unlocked. I decided to wait till management opens again and talking to them before I did anything else, but I never left my bed for the rest of the night.

It's amazing how unsettling it is to know that someone had been in your house.


While calling people, I got to have this conversation:

Ryan: So what's new with you?

Jamie: (rambling on about new job opportunity)

Ryan: That sounds great for you. And you know people there won't be Nazis about what you wear, so you could probably wear those hot pants to work.

Jamie: The hot pants plan! You read my blog!


Paige said...

My heart is thumping for ya...if someone had been in my apartment I would have freaked the hell out. Especially if those weirdos were going through my underwear. Did they steal anything?

I'm gonna have to comb through the archives for your hot pants plan...hey, anything is better than working! (as you can tell, I need a new job too.)

Where did you look for the position you applied for? That would be perfect for me, but I never see them in the want ads.)

dr1/6 said...

whoa? that's so freaky. take care aight.


aprilbapryll said...

I didn't know you quit your customer service job. And everytime I sit down at a restaurant I think about you when I'm admiring the furniture. :) Good luck in your future gig, that interview sounds promising!

How do burglars lock deadbolts? Wouldn't that mean they have keys to your apartment? Have you asked your mother where she was on that evening? :)

Ryon said...

I hope everything turns out okay with your apartment. It sounds to me that Maintenance was there and did not leave a note and perhaps because they decided to violate you by going through your stuff. That has got to be it. Sorry to hear that happened to you.

About my blog...
I don't know what to say. I think I am just in a BIG funk right now. I really don't know. I am sorry if it hurts you...really. I love the fact that you comment regularly and all. I love your blog too. I know I would be upset if you quit. Like I said, this is most likely temporary. Maybe I will email you sometime this week with more of an explanation. If so, it will be from Take care. Sorry.

Jamie said...

I called the next day and they told me some outside contractor replaced my emergency sprinkler system. I made a comment about looking for a note and they replied they taped one to my door over 2 weeks ago. Well, I can't remember little things like that.

I thought I should say something about the underwear, but first I would have to admit that there was underwear on the floor and I'm not ready for that yet.


Paige said...

Found the hot pants plan and good times! Anyway, glad it was just mantinence, even though they should have left a note saying they were there AND left one two weeks ago, ya know?

Either way, glad that it wasn't some creep just going through your underwear.

Jamie said...

Yes it was an emergency sprinkler replacer creep- not a run-of-the-mill underwear creep!

Ryon said...

Good to know that maintenance people take such an interest in underwear too. Perhaps the drawer was stuck and he thought he'd fix it. And the underwear just got stuck on his screwdriver.

Oh, bad unintentional metaphor...and now image. Must stop now.


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