Friday, June 17, 2005

I Hate Tom Cruise

I think Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes are taking this publicity stunt a bit far. Let's do a quick recap:

In April they begin "dating."
*This is just months after Katie and Chris Klein end their long standing engagement.
*This is after Cruise interviewed several other ladies for her position including Jessica Alba and Jennifer Garner.

Katie announces something to the extent that she's waiting until she's married for anything physical with Cruise.

Katie appears with herpes on her face.

Cruise goes on the Oprah show, scaring Oprah and women in the audience with his poop-throwing monkey antics. He drags Katie on stage.

(Ever notice how he drags her everywhere and yet she has nothing to say? It's called being a "beard.")

Katie joins his cult, Scientology, a religion based on a science fiction writing.

Katie ditches her agent and gets Tom's which I believe is his sister or sister-in-law.

After 6 weeks he proposes.

This entire thing sickens me. I actually refuse to watch old episodes on "Dawson's Creek" anymore. The show is tainted! I know there are people out there that are beginning to believe in this relationship, but I will not be swayed! Between Brad and Angelina and Tom and Katie, I am so sick of Hollywood. I am sick of the fakeness and publicity stunts. You know what I heard today? That Katie Homes is barely even in the new "Batman" movie; her part is tiny. They are supposed to be the royalty of America, yet I despise them!

Give me Michael Stipe sitting next to me at Clocked in Athens any day.



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