Monday, June 20, 2005

I also found a R.L Stine book, part 2

I was also staring at my bookcase this weekend, trying to figure out what I'm going to do. I'm moving in August and was trying to at least get things organized to pack. Like winter clothes, I can go ahead and leave those at my mother's house because I know I won't need them until after I move, plus four months.

I had almost decided to box up the books I've read and keep the ones I haven't out until the last minute. But there are a couple of books I was thinking of re-reading this summer and I don't want to limit myself. And if I do this and box up most of the books, then I'll be breaking up my shelving system. I have signed and first editions together, then inside that category I have them in alphabetical order by author. Then I have fiction, poetry, journals and reference books, all also alphabetized by author. What if I need my encyclopedia of American writers? What if I need my copy of Lolita or Pride and Prejudice to reference my current book, Reading Lolita in Tehran?

I didn't think it would be this difficult. If your Shakespeare book is anything like mine then it is in the closet. Mine is too heavy for my shelves. So is my Chaucer.

All of my embarrassing books are in my bookcase at my mother's house. I spent the night there Saturday night and I needed something to read. I had to pull from my massive Baby Sitter's Club books. I have 1-38 and probably another scattered 20 up to number 100 that I bought at a book fair in 1996 for nostalgic purposes. So I read Baby Sitter's Club book number 100 Saturday night. If anyone is curious, it was titled, Kristy's Worst Idea, which plays off book number 1, Kristy's Great Idea. I fell asleep so I never found out exactly how terrible her idea was.

Within the last 3 years, I found out that Ann M. Martin is a fake name like Dr. Seuss. Ann M. Martin is, in fact, a man. I'm still disappointed when I think about it. I will admit I have been itching to read some Judy Blume recently. I have never read the greats that people still talk about like Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret. So you're not alone Jenn!



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