Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Sigmund Freud, I evoke you!

I know I'm really stressing out about work when my job invades my dreams. When I worked at the car dealership, sometimes I would wake up screaming, "Lower the interest rates!" No lie. Generally, I view this job as very mundane and boring with a lot of busy work, but I know I must be stressed because last night I dreamt about a product in a catalogue.

In the catalogue, there was an item with a strange name- I can't remember what it was called anymore. I approached my boss and inquired about the new item. "Oh that?" he says, "That's a phuckynu." I work in a Chinese owned business so this seems okay to me, but yes, it was pronounced like that four letter word. I asked why it wasn't labeled a phuckynu in the catalogue and he responded that people might be offended by it's name.

The actual product involved a draw string in some way or another, whether is was a cover for a chair or a bag.

I can analyze this dream as a cross culture problem, or a work problem, or even a sexual problem. All I know is I did not sleep well last night and I am grumpy today.



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