Thursday, May 26, 2005


The walls in my apartment building must be thin because I can hear... certain things. It doesn't bother me- good for them for getting some. Those sounds are few and far between for my neighbors anyways.

However, my downstairs neighbors bother me. They only engage in the act at 4 or 5 am. Normally I could sleep through this, but their headboard is about 2 inches too close to the wall. So they wake me up and I get to listen to them bang until the final scream and the headboard becomes silent again. I feel perverted, but I cannot sleep with pound, pound, pound against our wall. Several times I felt like taping a note to their door, telling them to move their bed back from the wall a bit, but I didn't want to be approached with the whole scenario.

This was just a minor situation until today. I walked my dog when I got home from work and I walked her past their apartment. The couple was sitting on the back porch. I saw the girl, a small mousy thing, and then I saw the guy...and threw up a little in my mouth.

He was one of the ugliest people I have seen in a long time. He looked like poor white trash. Redneck poor. He must have a job that requires working outside because he has tan, leathery skin: the kind you see on 80-year-olds.

Not only must the headboard be moved from the wall, but all banging must cease immediately. People who look like that must not bump uglies. The order of the world is out of whack when good looking people I know are virgins, not by choice, and Leather Man gets to spread his seed.


Paige said...

Complain to the apartment manager. They will send out a letter that might save you.

Or, everytime they start to have sex, get out your megaphone and yell "Ewwww, GROSS!" Or throw eggs at their window. Yes sir, that's the grown up way!

Ryon said...

That is quite disturbing. I think Paige has the right idea. Sorry I have not commented lately, I have not really been that big on my blog as of late.

Jamie said...

Hmm, I like the "Eww, GROSS!" idea...must test...

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, Mokey. I like to leave positive comments.

This was just so juvi. Then I note you are only 24. So, for the record - Maybe Mr. Notattractive to you works at a physical job everyday, comes home every night, pays his bills before he parties, loves his lady like a goddess, doesn't leave the seat up, tells a great joke, makes her laugh and has great conversational ablilties.

Sad fact, you will never know, you judge on appearance.
Obvious fact: Beauty does not signify brains.

Jamie said...

So far I have several questions for you:

1) You like to leave positive comments? Could have fooled me by blasting me on my own blog.

2) Why leave a comment anonymously? Afraid of something?
I do not hide who I am.

3) Did you look at my picture or read other posts? I am, in fact, both beautiful and intelligent.

If you don't like what you see, visit elsewhere, you won't hurt my feelings. In the meantime, I will not watch the ugly people have sex.

Paige said...

You tell em girl! WTF, anoymous... ya don't like it, quit reading!

(Look up his IP address and blast him Jamie!)

Anonymous said...

Hi Jaime,

Different anonymous here (you can check the IPs) but I kinda hafta agree (just a little.)

It would be a different thing if you heard Mr. Ugly yelling at Ms. Mousey, and throwing things, and hitting her... but since you maybe haven't, just the fact that he's ugly isn't the best thing to comment on. Sorry. I'll go away now.

Jamie said...

Silly Rabbit, it's about me listening to ugly people having sex, not ugly people in general!

See? Paige gets it by giving an equally immature solution to my immature post.


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