Friday, May 27, 2005

Battling the crazy

The worst part about having a case of the crazies is being aware of it. I must be PMSing or something because I am out of whack this week.

Situation #1

I watched the American Idol season finale. I watch the show, but I don't vote. That's the only way I can justify watching it. The only time and only person I ever voted for was my friend Patrick Lake in season 2. Actually, I ran into him yesterday- he is the manager of our Wal-Mart now.

Back to my point. I was watching the season finale and I actually misted up and got a lump in my throat when dear Constantine reappeared. This is really weird because, although I liked him, I'm not a crazed fanatic. I was surprised when he got the boot: it was inevitable, but occurred too soon. He had a great stage presence, but he wasn't as strong vocally as the others. So I'm on my couch, about to spill tears over this guy. This is where I realize there must be something wrong with me.

Situation #2

There is a situation going on right now in which a guy is standing on top of an 18-story crane in Buckhead. Read the story here. I was driving home from work on Wednesday and I heard on the radio that they shut down Peachtree St. because there was a jumper on top of a crane. (This was back when they thought it was a suicide attempt.) This is the very first thought in my head: "What a selfish jackass, blocking traffic like that!" A man wanted to end his life and I was pissed because he causing the closure of a major street. What type of person thinks like that?

Then we found out that he killed his girlfriend in Florida earlier this week. Now everybody has the same sentiment as me. Now people are gathering around watching him on top of the crane, which is also pretty lame. Officials are worried because he decided to do this in the hottest part of Buckhead and tonight everyone will be out partying and drinking around the crane where he is perched.

It would be funny if he fell.

What kind of person thinks this?


Paige said...

Trust me, a normal person thinks like this. True, you might just be a little more angry because of a certain time of the month, but this is what EVERYONE, in the back of their mind, is thinking.

P.S. sorry about depressing you with my post today. Don't feel bad though, I knew I was down the path of the "desperate" when I got excited over a commercial about a cleaning product.

Paige said...

P.P.S., I actually blogged about said cleaning product...

Ryon said...

I would not feel bad about the way you feel. That guy is a freak. Oh, but you should feel weird about the Constanine thing. That is pretty messed up. Seriously, you need help. Badly. No really. I mean it.

Jamie said...

I was in Best Buy the other day and I walked out through the cd isle. I past a cd from the band "Pray for the Soul of Betty." The cd had a sticker of Constantine's face on it- apparently this was his band before he was in American Idol. Let me give you some of the track names: "Rich Bitch," "Some of My Fucked Up World," and "Suicide."

Yes, there must certainly be something wrong with me.


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