Thursday, April 21, 2005


At work there is a piece of cardboard resting against a wall and on it is a sign that says, "Do not touch! Testing." What exactly can be discovered with cardboard laying against the wall?

My cousin finally called me back about dinner this weekend. He apologized and says he was out of the country. I guess that's an acceptable excuse...

On my way home from work yesterday I passed a police car labeled Federal Service Protection with a big emblem from Homeland Security. At first I thought, Cool, I've never seen one of these before. And then immediately afterwards, Holy Shit! Why is this car heading to Athens?! Perplexing.

As a part of my silent wardrobe rebellion I work I chose to wear a t-shirt with a drawing of a dog's butthole on the back. It was one of those "If you're not the lead dog, the scenery never changes" shirts. A lot of people commented, but I got away with it because it was a t-shirt from one of largest customers. What can they say if it's a multi-million dollar customer? Yeah, that's right- nothing!


Ryon said...

I've said it before and I'll say it again...



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