Monday, April 11, 2005

Sunnyside up?

I've noticed my entries recently have been a bit negative so I am going to consciously write about something else.

Matt was busy but was able to come up Saturday night to see me. I wanted to attend the UGA baseball game and thought it was nice enough outside to go to a bar and get a beer beforehand. (It's three o'clock in the afternoon.) We were having a good time so it didn't matter the game got delayed from 4pm to 7pm so it could be televised.

While waiting for the game, I got completely tanked. Arrived at the game with a serious case of beer munchies and ate 2 bratwursts and nearly passed out on Matt's shoulder. Needless to say, I made it to the fourth inning before I declared I wanted to go home and go to bed. It was 8:30pm. Apparently I can't drink like I used to. I completely missed the concert I told everyone I was going to go to and climbed in bed early on a Saturday night with what felt like a gallon of water on my night stand.

That night, a bunch of UGA football players got arrested downtown at one of the bars. Dammit. I always miss the good ones.

Drunk and about an hour from passing out


Ryon said...

Interesting night you had there. I hate when I get drunk quick. It completely sucks. I quit drinking beer because I always just had to go too often and switched to wine. Now, I get drunk too quickly and don't know when to stop. Ah, the problems...the problems.


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