Tuesday, April 12, 2005

A moment of unprofessionalism

Did I ever mention that my father is a sales rep for the company I work for? I try to refer to him by his first name here, but it's hard when you've been calling someone one name for over 20 years and you have to change.

There was a big sales meeting held in the office for the salesmen the past 2 days. One woman was showing me professional photos of her daughter in her wedding dress 3 months before the wedding. They were gorgeous. I have a strict rule of not making any wedding plans until I'm engaged, but I just had to have this done for me too.

So what do I do? "Dad! Dad! Come here! You have to see this! I want this!"


It is also worth noting that no one else knew he is my father. It's not a secret, but it just never came up. I stopped dead in my tracks and looked at the other salesmen staring at me.

"Uh, Ken...look at Shirley's pretty daughter..."

They laughed and the cat is out of the bag. Maybe they'll be nicer to me now.


aprilbapryll said...

I have the same rule about weddings, but I have been doing it little by little. Like the whole dress thing. It can't be helped. We're programmed.

Ryon said...

That is funny. I work with my wife and mother-in-law, so I know where you are coming from.


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