Monday, April 04, 2005
Mitch Hedberg passed away last week and we lost the news in between Teri Schiavo and the Pope. They say bad things happen in threes and I can't decide if it's Teri Schiavo's death, the Pope's death and

a) Mitch Hedberg's death
b) Johnnie Cochran's death, or
c) Frank Perdue's death.

OR, maybe, those can be a trio of bad things that happened and we're still waiting on one more person to die...morbid. I was planning to see Mitch next month when he came to Atlanta, not anymore. I'll spill a little beer on the ground for ya.


aprilbapryll said...

I didn't realize Mitch Hedberg had died, but I had just completely forgotten about Perdue. Wow, it's been a bad week.

Ryon said...

It really was a hard week. I loved Mitch Hedberg. I listen to his comedy albums probably three times a year. Usually when I am flying. I mean in a plane, not when I'm on smack. Just wanted to clarify.

Oh, thanks for the comment on my carpet...I love it.


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