Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Name that girl

During my Diet Coke Break today (Sadly, no there is not a hot shirtless guy washing windows across the street from my building or however that commercial went) I have decided to open a forum to give me a cool nickname.

I have realized that I have no cool nicknames. Sure there is "James," "Jame," "Jamie-James," and the lesser favorite "Himes, and Himee" (spanish.) But there is no "Geronimo" or "Yellow Dart": something distinguishing.

So here we go folks! Name Me!


Ryon said...

Ah, a chance to show our creativity...if I only knew you better. I shall think on this and comment later. For some reason all that is coming into my brain at this instant is Spunky Monkey.

Jamie said...

One time at the zoo I saw a baboon masturbate into his hands and then he ate it. He was truly a "spunky monkey." I have yet to be back to the zoo.

Ryon said...

Well, I was not thinking about "spunk" meaning that. However, thank you for the lovely visual that is now burned into my mind forever. For some reason, I just can't think of a good nickname. Hell, my nickname is "Rye Bread" I don't have it so good either. The only other thing I have come up with and this is stretching using your real name alot is Dynomite! Get it?

Ryon said...

Okay, I have a good nickname for you "Miss Scarlet" and if you figure out how I thought of that then you have too much time on your hands...just like me.


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