Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Phone Call

Dad: Your step-mom was disappointed you didn't like your early Christmas present...
J: No, I liked it. It's just... it's just I liked it so much I bought it for you last year.
Dad: ...We regifted?
J: I saw it at the after-Christmas sale last year and I called step-mom to see if she wanted it since it was marked down 75%. She said yes, so I bought two.
Dad: ...So you already have one?
J: Yup, so at least it matches!
Dad: (calls to step-mom in the other room) You regifted! Jamie bought that for you last year! (shuffling noises of phone getting handed over)
Step-mom: No, I didn't. I bought that for you.
J: Uh, no.
Step-mom: Yes, it was the after-Christmas sale and you said you wanted it, but you didn't want to spend money on it because it wasn't marked down enough.
J: Yeah, that was the tree skirt and you gave it to me for my birthday in April.
Step-mom: ...Oh... well shoot.


The RHS said...

Damn! now that's harsh!

get 'em Hickory Farms this year. Then you know you won't be getting it back.

Anonymous said...

Ah, I tune in for the first time in months to catch up, and, predictably, your family is at it again.

I second the idea of a perishable gift.

My mother regifted to me once. But it wasn't my own gift back. And it wasn't my "real" gift for that year. But the Kid insisted on throwing me a family birthday party, so my mom had to bring something, so I now own a set of four silverplate "grapevine" mini-spoons.

Also: I'm still using CubicleNeighbor for the sake of continuity. And also because FormerCubicleNeighbor is too long. Really, I'll have to think of something else. Sometime after finals, when my brain cells regenerate.

dont eat the token said...


At least it's a mini gift. There will be LOTS more,esp out of guilt!

I am a believer in regifing, only when, of course, someone needs it and/or will really love the item. :)


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