Tuesday, November 27, 2007

How the hell did I miss this?

Next to my apartment building is an underground butch black lesbian club. I mean, I live there; you pick up on these things. It appeared to be an abandoned shack, but every Friday and Saturday nights, the street would line with cars and the shack had people spilling from it until ungodly early morning hours.

Monday morning I noticed the place had burned down and I didn't think to Google it to see what happened until we had another fire last night:

So... holy crap. First of all, I love how even the reporter wasn't sure it was an actual nightclub so he just printed the address (which I redacted). But "as many as 50 Atlanta firemen fought the blaze. It took them about 45 minutes to bring it under control." The shack is was right next door to my building, as in we share a driveway. I was home when all this happened. How did I sleep through this?

And also--mental note--really need to get on top of that renter's insurance thing. Pronto.


citizen student said...

i think you need to get on top of the firemen...


Will said...

You know, you say over and over about how I should move towards your side of town and how there's nothing to do ITP north of Midtown...but I never read stories like this taking place there either...

Just saying is all...

The RHS said...

wow. so getting you a wave machine for christmas would be kinda' pointless?

Anonymous said...

Renter's Insurance: Cheap, and if you need it, invaluable. If you don't have much of significant value (ie expensive electronics etc) then just a default value should cover the replacement costs of most of what you own.

Personal milestone: When I realized I'd be out more than, say, $15 if I lost everything I owned.

dont eat the token said...

OMG! Yes, take care of the ins. thing!



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