Tuesday, April 24, 2007


Today is my birthday.

Buy me pretty things.

Tell me how happy you are that the world made me.

Sing to me and light small fires using lots of tiny wicks in my honor.

But mainly, buy me pretty things.

* "pretty" may be substituted for "shiny" where applicable.
** Both may be substituted for "expensive."


citizen student said...

yay! happy birthday!

can i substitute pretty/shiney/expensive things for a well placed birthday rhyme?

happy birthday to you
happy birthday to you!
you look like a monkey,
and you smell like one too!

remember that one? you don't really look like a monkey or smell like one. i hope you get lots of shiney/pretty/expensive presents today and all week...

Momo said...

Happy Birfffffday!

... said...

Happy Birthday...Happy...Birthday...I wish I could've gone to Prom...Great idea by the way, LOVE IT!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! With salt. :-D

The RHS said...

aye, happy birthday a day late!

dont eat the token said...

Hilarious! I hope that all the shiny pretty money made its way to you and you had fricken good time!

hApPy bIrThDaY !!!

Ryon said...

Wow, my son almost shared the same birthday with you. Fun. Well, Happy late B-day. How did the getting pretty things go for you?


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