Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Remember, I'm not a nerd. I just have nerd-like tendencies.

Your Vocabulary Score: A+

Congratulations on your multifarious vocabulary!
You must be quite an erudite person.

For the record, I used both those fancy words in my last college thesis on John Ashbery and his poem Self-Portrait in a Convex Mirror. I got an A.

But, uh, I'm no nerd.

Stolen from Frog Princess.


citizen student said...

bah. b+.

at least my iq is 110!

please nobody burst my already wavering bubble...

Anonymous said...

haha, I got an A-, but thats mainly because I taught half of those words this year as SAT vocab words to my college prep classes!! looks like i'm learing just as much as they are

Robin said...

I used the word 'obviate' on my masters exam in library school...

We nerds need to stick together.

Anonymous said...

I keep getting an A and not an A+, and I have to go home so I'll have to figure out which one I've got wrong later. *sigh*

Yes, I AM a nerd.


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