Thursday, February 01, 2007

A single girl has to think about these things

Is it vain if I tell you I have pictures of myself picked out in case I ever go missing and my parents need ones to hand over to the police and local television stations?

If it were left up to them, they'd probably use the "Look at Fatty hovering over the cake" ones.

If it were left up to my friends, they'd probably use the "Jamie's drunk again and consequently can't keep her tongue in her mouth" ones. Or even worse, "Jamie's drunk again and has her finger up her nose/someone else's nose" ones. Or worse yet, the one from Christmas where I managed to do both.

So here it is, my official missing person's photo:


The Portly Gentleman in Aisle 5 said...

Great, now I've got an image of dirty old men doing despicable things to milk cartons stuck in my head.

Jamie said...

It was the finger in the nose bit, wasn't it? ;)

The Portly Gentleman in Aisle 5 said...


Jamie said...

I knew it. It's such a metaphor.

... said...

But think of the funny when that nose pic shows up on the evening news!

Anonymous said...

I agree with 2DG.. the finger up the nose one has so much potential! hehe.

citizen student said...

the police would be pulling over every nose picker in sight...

dont eat the token said...

OMG. I have thought about it, I just haven't actually picked one out. I just prayed that my family would pick a nice one, and not "there's annex's belly hanging out of her shirt again"


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