Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Because I can turn Blogger into a notepad

Stories to post:
  • Finish the damn jury duty story.
  • Karaoke reunion, or How I Rocked My Face Off
  • Walking tour of neighborhood (with pics), or My GD Effing Landlord Raised My Rent $100 a month.
  • Running out of gas, or How I Ran into My Gay Realtor
  • Martinis and IMAX, or What Not to Imbibe So You Don't Get So Drunk You Fall Off a Toilet.
  • Announcement.
Also, Blogger is threatening me that I may not be able to post anymore until I switch to the new format, so I also need to back up my entire blog before handing it over to Blogger to fuck up transition.


The RHS said...

those sumbiches! I keep hearing about people that are having problems with the "new" blogger. REALLY makes me want to rush out and use it. Assholes.

Don't be evil.

and don't fuck with my blog!

Jamie said...

They didn't fix the comments bug and then they forced me to change over so I now have anonymous comments. Yea!

And the profile pics are gone. Yea!


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