Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Time Wasting Tuesday

We received an alert on a jury duty scam at work today. The sender of the mass e-mail had already confirmed the scam by linking to it on Snopes and the FBI. One of my pet peeves is receiving these mass e-mails about urban legends such as a woman walked out of the mall, had a flat tire and a man changed it for her, but then asked for a ride to his car. She went inside the mall to tell a security guard and when they returned, the man was gone except for his briefcase which was full of duct tape and knives. IT COULD HAPPEN TO YOU!

Seriously it takes two minutes to find out the validity of the e-mail before cluttering up my inboxes.

Anyway I was on the FBI website, reading about the scam, and caught sight of the Top 10 Most Wanted list. Then I read the list. Then I daydreamed about seeing one in the grocery store and calling the FBI and winning the $100,000 reward. Then I daydreamed about what I would do with $100,000. (I would put a down payment on a place in the Spire building, put a down payment on a new car, and go to Australia.)

So that was my time wasting Tuesday. How was yours?


The RHS said...

don't forget the gubberment gets their cut and after they're done you might only have enough for a beer!

Momo said...

I read blogs and gossip sites and shopped online for maternity clothes and baby stuff.

A day well spent! :0)

Jamie said...

RHS- Crap!

Momo- Yep, that's some time wasting! (Fugly is always good for a laugh)

aprilbapryll said...

whenever I get those damn emails, I look them up and reply with the validity. I don't forward any of that stuff anyhow. :)

Jamie said...

I'll be an ass about it and hit reply all and let everyone on the list know it was fake :)

dont eat the token said...

Great daydream!

Jukebox & I watched GG, then ran to Sam's Club for my poster prints. Then watched VM on tape. THEN hung my new art in my 1.5 story entryway. And he was a doll and helped clean all the ceiling fan crap & flip the blades (no more 80's gold tone scrolling). Excited yet?


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