Friday, December 01, 2006

A lesson in disconcertment

After spending over two days attempting to fix a margin in the footer for a company newsletter, I was stuck. CN was stuck. The gutter was just not behaving and all the html table code was correct. We both combed through it.

Then I remembered my office boyfriend.

I plopped down at OB's desk and he saw the print outs of the HTML and started laughing. He took one look at my code and said, "You're tables look good. Delete this one colspan requirement down here and you should be fine."

I love my OB. I announced this to CN as I sat back down. "If this works, CN, I'm just going to have to marry OB."

"Is he aware of this?"

"Not yet." I deleted what he told me and whooped. The gutter was behaving beautifully.

"I take it that it works?"

"Yup, Office Boyfriend has just been promoted to Office Husband."

"Hey, Jamie repeat that?"

"I just said that I'm going to marry Office Boyfriend--" I swiveled in my chair to face the direction of the question.

Office Boyfriend was standing behind me. He wanted to check up and see if he helped me or not.

He did not know about our relationship, so you could see why he was a bit surprised about the wedding.


Anonymous said...


So are you two registered at Office Max or Staples?

Anonymous said...

So does this mean it's all over? No Office Husband? No Office Ring? No Office Bachelor Party (I was looking forward to that one)? No Office Wedding? No Office Wedding Cake? No Office Macarena?

Oh the humanity!

Jamie said...

Phil- Shit! You think that Easy Button at Staples will get me a man? Why didn't I think of this sooner?!

Dan- I had it all planned. For our reception, we were going to watch the movie The Office. And at 4, someone was going to burn a bag of popcorn in the microwave, simultaneously making everyone hungry and stinking up the place. It was going to be awesome.

Anonymous said...

I volunteer to burn the popcorn. I haven't done that in months.

Jamie said...

I still maintain that I have never burned it.

Except for that one time.

dont eat the token said...

I love it. I was afraid OB was going to become OB/GYN.

dont eat the token said...

Oh, and I think I've particpated in more fire drills due to burning popcorn than just for regulations' sake!

Jamie said...

DET- I once spent three hours outside because of a pot of burned rice!


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