Sunday, December 10, 2006

I spread the spirit of Christmas wherever I go

I try to work on my road rage, I really do. And I think I'm getting better at it.


I had a Buddhist boyfriend once. Needless to say, we were exact opposites. He would actually thank people as he passed them. I asked him how he could not freak the eff out when people unceremoniously cut him off. How some mornings it would get so bad it would make me late to work. How it's a blatant disrespect to me and my truck. How I hate their false sense of entitlement. He told me that it was okay because he viewed it as aiding them in doing something more important.

"So you think what they are driving like assholes for is automatically more important than what you're off to do?"

"Well, they obviously think so."

"That makes no sense."

"If I can help them get to where they are going faster, then good on me."

I think I pffawed before breaking into uncontrollable laughter. He seemed annoyed. Not very Buddhist of him in my opinion. He was aiding in my laughter.

Today I found myself in another "situation." It escalated to the point where I got out of my truck to holler at him. Good news is if worse case scenario ever comes true, and I find myself homeless and living on Boulevard, I know I can hold my own. I'll be just fine.

We shouted at each other and drew a small crowd. Finally, I had had it.

"You know what? YOU KNOW WHAT?"

He and his wife stopped yelling.

I leaned across the hood of my truck, cocked my head and smiled. "Merry Christmas," and gave them the double bird, a gesture I don't think I've ever actually used before.

Their mouths dropped, and they stayed silent. I got in my truck and smiled again before leaving, with visions of Clark W. Griswold dancing in my head. (Hey kids, look, a deer!)

Yup, I'll be just fine on Boulevard. As well as in the pits of hell.


The RHS said...

okay, the double bird is the icing on the cake, but driving a truck makes you HOT.

That cracked me up!

Thank you. ;)

Anonymous said...

You are so fucking cool! :-)

Jamie said...

RHS- Yes, I can flavor my insults with the season. I am a talented girl.

TDG- Hehe, no YOU'RE cool!

Anonymous said...

Don't drive in rural GA. You'll wind up riddled with buckshot.

Just saying.

Anonymous said...

You whipped out the DOUBLE BIRD!?!



Jamie said...

CN- You think? I thought anything marked DeKalb was running the bigger risk of getting shot at.

Steve- Some people only think if the perfect thing to say afterwards. Fortunately (unfortunately?) I am not one of those people. ;)

Anonymous said...

LOL Jamie you rock my socks off.. "with visions of Clark W Griswold dancing in my head" lmao perfect ending!

Jamie said...

It was a Christmas Vacation moment, wasn't it? :)

citizen student said...


stop it! you're killing me!

Anonymous said...

The (first and) last time we went up to Helen, we passed a fresh auto accident on our way - happened right in front of us, really - Z wanted to stop. She was entirely appalled that I INSISTED that we drive on and not even look back. She didn't quite grasp the reality of ballistic danger. See, that's why fer'ners need guides, so's they don't get themselves all shot up.

But I digress. "Dekalb" is only a starting point. If drive quietly, they may not notice. Draw attention to yourself, and you may as well paint your vehicle for target practice.

Jamie said...

me- I thought you would like :)

CN- I stopped at one of those once. I got 4 people arrested and I was nervous he was going to haul me in too. Yeah, I don't stop at accidents anymore.

Momo said...

Ha! I LOVE this!!!!

Good for you...

and I love Clark W. Griswold, JUNIOR!! Seen that movie a million times.


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