Friday, November 10, 2006

If you weren't

"You should be told you're loved, and you should be told you're loved often."

The sentiment oddly reminded me of a line from a movie, but I couldn't immediately place it. I believed his motive was genuine, but his words were stolen, and somehow it lessened the intensity of the moment for me. Instead of expressing this, however, I was silent.

"If I wasn't--"

I sighed. "Please don't finish that sentence."


"Because I don't want to hear the rest."

I've grown to resent those words: If I wasn't. If he wasn't-- what-- married, with his girlfriend, emotionally unavailable, geographically unobtainable, selfish, mean, unstable... insert whatever appropriate generic excuse here.

I understand it's meant be taken as a compliment, but I hear that a lot: If I wasn't... It feels like constantly coming in second place. Always the runner up. Always the Miss Congeniality.

If I wasn't... stringing me along. If I wasn't... annoying the crap out of me.

So please don't say those words to me. No matter how cool, intelligent, beautiful, funny, or incredible you think I am-- I've heard all those words before too-- and frankly I don't want the regard weakened with "but."

The sumbitch.

"You should be kissed and often, and by someone who knows how." Rhett Butler to Scarlett O'Hara in Gone with the Wind. He stole from my own favorite movie and quoted it back to me.

As a lover of words, I hate it when they are used flippantly towards me.

But I have a few of my own: impassive, apathetic, indifferent, detached...


citizen student said...

you need a hug and a bottle of wine and a good cry.

and then to vamp it up and start breaking men's hearts... flippantly

trust. you'll feel better

Momo said...

Good for you for stopping him. You're a smart need to hear things that won't change ANYTHING.

Unless it's from someone in your top 5. ;0)

Jamie said...

Me- This actually transpired a couple of months ago so I'm okay :) It was just on my mind last night.

Momo- Good thinking! This definitely excludes those in my top 5 ;)

Karen said...

I agree with me's suggestion; hugs, wine, cry and breaking hearts will get your through anything (add a bit of chocolate, just because its so yummy).

Instead of focusing on what wasn't think about that you are: A H-O-T Fox! You know it's true, just accept!

The RHS said...

Damn! You are so fucking cool for actually saying that! You're my hero for this afternoon.

Besides that, fuck him. Him and the rest of them must of been idiots or something. A gal who can pull off a pregger belly, short shorts and look hot while smoking is too much sexy for them anyways.

Anonymous said...

That fucking tool!

Jamie said...

Karen- I'm okay, I swear :)

The RHS- lol Thanks. You're forgetting the unbearable likeness to Britney Spears and a tat on the preggo belly :)

2Drinker- It's all good!

Anonymous said...

He stole from my own favorite movie and quoted it back to me.

I think it's hard winning a war with words.

What gentlemen says and what they thinks is 2 diffrent things.

Savannah would be better for ya. You just get in trouble in Atlanta.

I'm very drunk and I intend on getting still drunker before this evening's over.

After all... tomorrow is another day.

Jamie said...

Phil- A man after my own heart :)

citizen student said...

the vamping it up and breaking men's hearts still stands as good advice ;)


Ryon said...

That is a toolish thing to say to someone. Plus, to change around a movie line for your own personal gain? How sad! Be original or don't say anything at all. I think the breaking men's heart is wrong though. Don't do it...Karma is a mean bitch who serves her revenge cold and bitter.

Big hug from Vegas!

Anonymous said...

I have a friend, male, who complains about the following scenario, which has played out repeatedly in HIS life:

Chick, usually pretty, sits and cries to him, complaining that all the men she dates are assholes, why oh why can't she find a nice man to date? The scene ends with the female in question telling him what a good listener he is.

Sometimes, she acknowledges that he's a nice guy, and she's sure he'll find someone.

Never, ever, is there any connection between "nice guy to date" and "nice guy to cry to."

Jamie said...

Me- Yeah I do a good bit of that too :)

VG- When they do that, their motives are honorable, but they just don't see it how we girls do.

CB- I'd agree with that. The really good listeners often come off as inexperienced in my opinion. That isn't an attractive quality either.


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