Tuesday, October 24, 2006


I met him a couple of weeks ago and thought he was gentle. He stood out in my mind because gentle is a quality I haven't seen in a man or a woman in quite awhile, especially in the city. I am not a gentle person.

It wasn't enough though. He smiled and asked for my number so he could buy me a drink sometime and perhaps see this Piedmont Park I rave about, but I politely thanked him and said, "Not right now."

As luck would have it, Friday night I ran into him again. I left the boys at the pool table and ventured over to say hello. We spoke and again he asked for my number. Again, I said no.

I couldn't believe what came out of my mouth. I've openly announced I have six weeks to find someone to take to my stupid office party and I'm turning down a guy that looks like a Cabbage Patch doll when he smiles?

Looks like I can't compromise on certain things, like the desire to be alone rather than with someone who isn't right for me.

Stupid standards.


Momo said...

Good for you! I mean, he may be a nice guy...but - YOU have to really like him.

I probably would've given him my number (just to be nice) and then wouldn't have answered the phone (because I'm too afraid of being mean!)

citizen student said...

wow. that's serious determination...

yo go, gurl.

i woulda caved by now

Karen said...

Keep your standards as high as you need them or else you'll have a nasty ending when you realize that HEY this dude? Is definitely not for me!

But I probably would have done the same as Momo and pre-screen all my phone calls, because I'm sly like a fox! Just kidding, just can't be mean.

The Portly Gentleman in Aisle 5 said...

This guy turns into a Cabbage Patch Kid when he smiles? Holy crap! Nice guy schmice guy, that's just plan creepy.

dont eat the token said...

Great test of moral strength! Chemistry isn't planned, I think it's brave of you to really put yourself out there though, checking out all the test tubes. Er - men.

I just hope you enjoy your party no-matter-what. From what I've blog-learned about you, I am sure you can!

Side note: I hope he doesn't turn up as a blind date in a couple weeks!


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