Friday, October 20, 2006

Mission: Improbable

Yesterday afternoon I printed my Outlook calendar for the weekend and the upcoming week. I realized the date and promptly swore.

Back in May I set a goal: get a boyfriend by the Christmas office party. I remember laughing at the idea. The Christmas office party is at the end of the year and it was only May. Besides, I had been seeing one person regularly for the previous five months, so it didn't seem that improbable.

I scrolled through the Outlook Calendar and checked the date. The party is December 2nd; it is now late October. Whatever I've been doing (and what the hell have I been doing?), I am now incapable of the boyfriend by early December. The best I can hope for is a date for the party.

And, oh my god, I'm not going to that party alone.

I printed out the new gym schedules and made an appointment with a personal trainer. Losing 10 pounds will aid in both looking good at the party and finding a date. I also switched my ballet classes to a different studio in Midtown.

I have six weeks. Oh my god, I have six weeks.

I just gave HurryDate my credit card number. I will see them next week to meet 12-20 men between the ages of 25-35. I also talked a friend into going to keep me company. She's excited; her boyfriend, however, is not.

I just posted a profile on-line too. The on-line profile will serve more as a backup, where I will see what kind of offers I get. I'm sorry, I just don't think trolling for guys on the Internet is sexy. This opinion may change come November.

I'm serious, I'm not going to this party alone. A few of you should probably expect a whiny phone call from me late November. There will be free booze if that helps.

Good stories to come...


Ryon said...

Too bad I'm not coming back then, I could be your date and it would be so taboo and wrong. You would be the talk of the office. You could be the homewrecker that helped disolve a marriage. HAA HAA HAA

Twisted DNA said...

"I just posted a profile online too"
Any responses yet? You didn't give the blog address or anything, did you? :P

Jamie said...

VG- Yes, that will keep me in the good graces of my bosses! ;)

DNA- I've had a few responses. Oh god no, I didn't give my blog address. I don't want them running away screaming! I won't even give people I date my blog address!

citizen student said...


seriously? it can't be that bad right? take a girlfriend, they're just as fun - i went with my best friend to her office party (it helped i used to work at the same company and i was totally hoping to get hit on by this one guy)...

where's the post about this hurrydate shit? enquiring minds want to know.

Anonymous said...

ok, Jamie, I'm telling you, all you have to do is ask... You know my phone number... And I have someone that is totally interested in you already.. and he's not too shabby if I do say so myself.


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