Wednesday, October 18, 2006


(Watching Ford commercial where the girl buys the guy's dry cleaning)
JAMIE: What they don't tell you that the guy is already married. She'll never hear from him and he'll laugh about the chick that bought him laundry.
FATHER: Damn, that's cynical, even for you.

COWORKER: What did you bring for lunch?
JAMIE: Something frozen this was comes.
COWORKER: I am assuming that you are saying that you brought a Lean Cuisine.
COWORKER: Save the Queen's English for someone smarter.

COWORKER: I will talk to the others about your hazing.
JAMIE: (Disbelieving) Uh huh.
COWORKER: It involves a plunger, tub of butter, and camel toe.
JAMIE: You're pleased with yourself.

SCOTT: Your hair has gotten long.
JAMIE: That's cause I'm single. I always let it grow out when I'm single.
JAMIE: (Simultaneously) Guys like long hair.
SCOTT: (Simultaneously) Guys like to pull it.
JAMIE: ...


Ryon said...

Guys do like long hair, so why once you get one of us do you cut it? It is just rude.

Anonymous said...

why did he say guys like to pull long hair?
you should have made a funny remark back

Jamie said...

VG- It's one of our secret tactics to rule the world!

Lindzi- He was talking about during sex. Guys like to pull long hair during sex. I was too stunned to say anything back!

Anonymous said...

wah ha, sorry about asking that! I knew the obvious about the sex part, I was just reading your conversation and thought it was like some inside joke or a hint to you from that guy- you know like hey woman grow your hair out so I can pull on it!

Hope you don't mind I was reading your blog! You seem fun.

Jamie said...

No, no inside joke :) I don't mind because I am fun hehe :)


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